May I join?

If you would like to be a part of the CWS, there are a few things that I should tell you.

Don't worry, it's just standard procedure. 

First, please bring a notebook and a pencil. 
You will need these tools to capture the ideas that bounce around. 

I would perfer that you don't bring a phone, laptop, Ipad, ect... for idea catching. They can become distracting, and good ol' paper and pencil is much better for doodling. 

Our meetings generally are not a time for writing, but if you are struck suddenly with inspiration and start writing like a mad man, we won't stop you. I would suggest though, that you jot that idea down for later fruition, if possible.  

Secondly please keep in mind James 1:19:
"My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry."

I'm mostly thinking of the first two, 
though I certainly don't wish for anyone to become angry. 

I ask this because I know how difficult it is to hold in the wonderful story ideas you have. I feel your pain. 
But please keep your time of sharing consise and to the point, so all may be able have an equal chance to share. 

Last, but not least, since the CWS is for writers, I would ask people to keep the main topic within the boundary of stories. 
There is so much that can be explored within that boundary, and I'd like to keep this time focused and congruent. 

That's all I can think of now.... if anyone has questions, feel free to leave them in the comments.

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